Message to those aiming for the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation

2021.12.16 School of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Studies Applicants

Prof. OJIMA, Kyoko
Head of School for the Future of Innovation in Society

To those who welcome challenges

Message to those aiming for the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation

 When you look around your life, society and world, do you sometimes think that something is wrong or that you want to change something about it? Or have you ever wished that if you could do something or if you had something, it would be much better?

 In an increasingly complex and diverse society, there are many issues to be solved. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to have a bird's-eye view of the issues from a multifaceted perspective. It also requires the knowledge necessary to solve problems. Those of you who have engaged in the problem-solving type of exploratory learning in high school must have keenly realized that there are many problems that cannot be solved by the knowledge that you have or by a single academic field.

 In the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation, we help you embody these thoughts. In this school, you will first find a problem that you want to solve, consider what you need to learn to solve the problem, and learn according to your interests. This is what is called “back-casting learning.” As part of the process, there are classes using cutting-edge technologies such as AI and IoT. We also offer programs to help build a knowledge-intensive society. Furthermore, you will expand your knowledge abroad as well as in Japan. One of the characteristics of this department is that students do not choose an existing field of study from the beginning, but find a problem first, and then consider what knowledge and learning are necessary for that. In order to support this learning, faculty members in the humanities, sciences, and medicine fields are available.

 Let me introduce one more characteristic of this school. Entrepreneurship is one of the forces that we need to solve the issues mentioned above. You will learn more about it after you enter this school, and I will mention it just briefly here.
Many of you may associate entrepreneurs with business founders, but that's not all. Entrepreneurs are also those who create new value, and change the society as much as possible. And that's the spirit of entrepreneurship. The School for the Future of Innovation in Society, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation focuses on entrepreneurship education. There are practical training courses not only on-campus but also off-campus, in cooperation with industry, in order to foster people who can create new values.

 Let's improve our ability to survive in a society where rapid changes are expected. To lead the future society for the better, let's create new values by integrating existing fields in cooperation with fellow students.

 We are waiting for your challenge.